Originally Posted by Jeanidoriurne
I know the economy is tanking and people have alot less money to spend this year but not everyone is in the same boat. This year I have alot more money to spend and we are getting better gifts for everyone. I am even picking up some stuff for myself, I already got the 300 laptop Walmart had and am still going to pick up a blu ray and home theater system for myself on friday.
My GF and I decided to give up our house, its not that we couldnt make the payments We had never missed one. We talked about our future and next year she will be going back to school. We really dont need a house and we figured that when she finishes with school we can get a better one. So now that we no longer have a 2500 mortgage we have alot more money to spend on other things. I have already payed off my car and about 5000 in debt. We still have about 15000 more but we are working hard to pay that off and start from scratch.
Does anyone else have extra this year?
Hahaha this is the funniest spam ever.
Why would you not need a house? You always need a house unless you can't afford it or are moving. It is better to build equity when you can. I have no idea why you posted this here? Are you bragging about your ability to pay bills? If you have so much extra money I will accept a donation hahaha.