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Old 12-20-2009, 10:28 AM
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Re: Windows Desktop Mobile vs GoToMyPC vs LogMeIn

I would recommend Remote Desktop Mobile, although I must say I haven't used the other two on my TP2. I have LogMeIn, but I have never got around to doing everything necessary to get it working on the TP2, since Remote Desktop Mobile works so well.

I would say it is very worthwhile. I'm amazed at how great the quality is through Remote Desktop. Obviously everything is small so make sure you have your stylus. File transfer speeds seem to be quite slow though, from personal experience. When I do need to transfer files remotely, I prefer to use FTP, with a server on my computer and Total Commander as the FTP client on my TP2. Works quite well.

Also I've done the whole getting Remote Desktop working on Vista Home Premium thing with registry and file tweaks before. I can vouch that its quite easy and works well. Just follow the instructions you've no doubt found elsewhere and all should work fine.
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