Originally Posted by CovKid66
Although I can see where you're both coming from, it's a little strange to look at your so-called "real-time" weather animation on the home tab and see that it's nice and sunny....only the sun went down 2 hours ago
I understand your point, and if you want real "real-time weather" obviously the weather animation on the TP2 isn't everything you need and you may want to look into other weather apps, but for my needs it's fine. I've never needed the weather animations to let me know the sun went down... Anywhere I am I can look outside and see if it's sunny, etc. I'm more interested in the weather forcast, but then again, that's also what the news in the morning is for. I've yet to find one that is 100% accurate, especially since temps vary so much by even little locations. If my weather changes eventually to snow in the morning and shorts in the afternoon, I'll find a better weather program at that time.