Originally Posted by leedawg
Do ya think you would mind explaning that whole screen calibration boot up thing.. I kinda lost ya there but do want to try this rom out...
Hey Lee,
What I mean by that is, you know how on every hard reset, there is that whole screen calibration, and also the setup password, email, and that stupid doctor appointment thing you have to do?
Well, for me because I flash a lot so I don't want to go thru that whole thing everytime, therefore, I disable that and as the result you have to get some calibration before hand and put it in the tweaks. So that when it boots up after hard reset, it has some predefined calibration data to work with, since you skip it at first.
To enable the calibration and the whole screen, go to OEM folder under the dcd_enablewelcome folder and look at the initflashfiles.txt and get it of the ";".