Originally Posted by callmewoof
I have the Touch Pro 2 and I love your program so far but after trying to read the information you provided for help, I have three questions:
1. How do I use the zoom bar for unlocking? Your homepage says the new program version has it but I can't find it in settings, or any information on your webpage about it.
There is no setting currently for the ZoomBar unlock, TouchLockPro detects the ZoomBar automatically and uses it as unlock means when it is locked. Just slide/zoom the ZoomBar.
Tripple touching the ZoomBar also unlocks. If you do not want this, you can disable it via setting CapacitiveTouchesSequence (CapacitiveTouchesSequence = 1)
Originally Posted by callmewoof
2. When I lock it (with default settings), everything is locked like I want it BUT the home key (the windows logo button at the bottom of my phone) still works. I want this locked too! How?
I am afraid this is not possible, I can detect that key, but blocking is not possible, because HTC handles it different. At least I do not know a solution. That would mean to go into the keyboard driver and/or replace it, With settings HTCLockAPI = 1, those will be locked, but then the ZoomBar unlocking does not work.
Originally Posted by callmewoof
3. When locked (default settings), double tapping something "uses/clicks" it while still leaving the phone unlocked. That's troublesome because it can double-tap the camera and launch it into camera mode while still locked (I have to use the slide to unlock it and exit out). How do I disable the double-tap-to-use feature?
Thank you!
It is an known issue that the soft buttons are not locked by TouchLockPro. See this
youtube video, which demonstrates that. I assume you mean this behaviour? Apparently HTC has done something special for those soft buttons, because the general Windows Mobile approach does not work for those. Would be glad to know a solution.