Originally Posted by qwho
They probably realize there are just too many enthusiasts. Even a *very* limited public beta with gps enabling and rev A would balloon out of control and just about everyone on this site with a mogul would be loading it. I would without question.
Then, if there was some massive bug in it, they would have a ton of people with problems. I mean, I can understand why they keep the testing internal.
That being said I would love to see me proven wrong and they release a public beta so I can have built in gps that much sooner...
They could release it as an unsupported "intall at your own risk" BETA. That's what Microsoft does with the CTP program. Give everyone who wants it the final release candidate. Collect test data. Then decide to either push back for another RC, or go RTM.
The key word to the public would be "unsupported". That would indemnify them from potential legalities and pissed-off upgraders. It's not rocket science...