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Old 12-19-2009, 12:05 AM
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Re: esn change/clone

Originally Posted by livefree420 View Post
as far as you not touching the 1st question im not trying to do anything illegal i just want to be able to use my other phone, for right now the only thing its used for is to charge my extra batteries, which works but is kindof stupid as the phone is a cool phone...why cant i use that phone just like tmobile and switch the sim card well these dont have sim cards i want the same thing as one works with gps the one im not using and the one i am using doesnt work with gps. my gps phone has problems as it is really slow and there are times where i would just like my phone to be fast and dont need gps, and times like in my car where i like to have gps tracking where i go and i take pictures with locr that tag where the pic is taken, therefore i would utilize the clone in that way i just need some help getting there, as i will be the only one using the phones.
didnt say you were, i just have no idea.
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