Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
wow, great rom, some things ive never seen in a rom like the text icons on bottom of screen while surfing, love that deal. weather found my small town and no rom has ever found it. mms works outa the box, big plus. like the commanager icons, nice to see something diff. ive never used anything from scotts kitchen so lots of stuff is new to me. this opera10 is even sweet and i barely liked 9.7. sprint tv mightbe a issue, mines not working but theres a fix. if anybody uses hotmail or windows live, i can post the needed cab. lots of ram is nice also.
I am excited to get home and flash this rom =). So sprint tv isn't working huh? Also, does anyone have a cab of opera 9.7? I am not as big of a fan of 10 because I don't like the way it formats websites (basically how it scrunches up the text)