Originally Posted by 1999TL
I'm in your same boat. I wanted to have the christmas theme that Cmylxgo made so I tried NRG's rom again. still the same problems with memory management. You can't multitask whatsoever or the program will close. For example, I tried to leave Igo8 running on a long trip and then text message ppl. Every time I tried to come back to Igo it would be closed. same thing happens if you want to surf and do other things. I hope these memory management issues can be sorted out somehow.
Hopefully xmylxgo provides us with a cab 
Hmm, I didn' have too many issues with multitasking on his ROMs, at least not with programs closing. One thing to watch out for, which caught me, making me think the program was crashing, was that he has the task manager defaulted to immediate shut down a program if you press the "X". Normally I am used to having to and HOLD the X for it to shut down a program. I always used the X to throw programs in the background without them closing. The X being set to close a program instantly caught me off guard.
You can change the X option in the Task manager setting on the System settings page.
**EDIT** mswlogo beat me to it. To mswlogo tho you can change the what the "X" works in the setting I mentioned above.