Originally Posted by Pasukun
Ever used remote desktop or VNC on your TP2 before?
If yes, you know the value of stylus's pin-point precision.
There is just no way I can use my thumbs to take advantage of those apps.
If no, you should be.
There is a whole new realm of potential out there using those apps.
I typically like to access and control my home systems from work, so whatever the tasks they might be, they will be ready when I get home.
And when it comes to controlling them through remote desktop or VNC.. nothing beats stylus.
This is one single feature in WM platform that no Android and iPhone can ever touch.
Plus, TP2's touch screen is very good with thumb operation as well, so you get the best of both worlds.
not everybody has a need for remote desktop. My desktop i use at home and my ppc i use on the go. I have no reason to access my desktop away from home. Also just to let you know, iphone and android do have remote desktop features. they are just not as advanced, but you do have access to all files on the desktop. but yes if you want to see your full desktop on your phone, i don't believe they offer that, even though i've only found very few reasons to need to control the whole computer from somewhere else.