Originally Posted by cmajewsk
Does this work? Even if I already have some Dusk changes installed? Which ver or Max Manila would you recommend?
Yea, I did it the other day. You definitely want to knock out any of the mods for Dusk that do what Max will do. Like the clock array and any shortcut cabs. If you have those on your device, the clock array will just break when you install Max. ...and the shortcuts get all sorts of jacked up.
Without those mods on the device, you should be fine...then you have the look of Dusk with the features of Max Manila.
Play with it. I'm pretty sure I used the 2.6 beta version of Max when I tested it, but would assume the other versions that worked for us would be just as good. I'm still experimenting with it to get a better sense of how the two play together on the device and how best to get it set up off a fresh flash to get the best of both worlds.