Re: New VZW HTC TP2 - Disappointed, Need Help, Multiple Areas
Interesting to have dug up this several month old thread, posted very early on in my TP2/WM experience. Much has changed since then, and I appreciate the recent comments and suggestions posted above.
I am now much happier with my TP2, and have implemented many of the suggestions above.
I still use the stock Opera, but have tweaked Opera.ini to be able to click links more readily without having to zoom in the vast majority of the time, increase the number of tabs, etc. I was not aware of the Registry tweak to improve screen sensitivity - I'll have to play around with that one for sure.
I'm back to using TF3D and have managed to adapt it to my liking overall. I am interested in trying Mobile Shell, but apparently it "breaks" some functioning in the Contacts. When they fix that, I'll probably give it a try.
I've also figured out most of the other difficulties, and you're all correct - there are often multiple ways to do things, and it's been a good learning experience exploring and figuring them all out.
I've added SkyFire for flash sites (the new version is much improved), Garmin XT for GPS, multiple free games, been playing with GoToMyPC PocketView which is pretty slick, really like the way Contacts are integrated with Outlook, can use Facebook photos, it has a much more useable PDF viewer than the TX ever did, the built-in RSS app works quite well for my limited needs and provides quick access to certain Podcasts I like to follow, the keyboard is quite good, Select Radio is awesome, WMWiFi Router really comes in handy at times, Skype enabled me to call home for virtually free via WiFi when in Peru, the integration of Google Maps and Bing with GPS and calling is extremely useful, etc.
There are still aspects of the Palm interface that I miss, but overall, the TP2 comes incredibly close to being a practical laptop replacement that I can carry in my pocket and also make calls with. Not perfect, but close enough for now anyway.