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Old 12-17-2009, 11:35 PM
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Re: Obviously Stable ROM | Updated 12/3 | All Carriers | 21876 | 25MB PP Titanium/SPB

Mr.Obvious, Still loving the ROM. Not sure if you can fix, I haven't taken many steps to remedy it (I did hard reset to be sure). When you reply to a Text message using the 3D interface in SPB, it brings up a blank text (no name in to box). If you click on the message, then it'll bring up the reply window.

One other thing that annoys me in all ROMS, not sure you can fix it. When you reply to a text using the notification, it pops up the keyboard, then selects the message that person sent, which hides the keyboard, then you have to click the text area and the keyboard pulls back up. Seems silly.

Now, in Sense or Manilla 2.5, you can reply right in the interface, so that works for them. But on a Notification, they would run into the same problem.

I'm pretty sure the texting reply thing worked on your other rom with me just installing SPB. Not sure if some reg change or customization you added has broken that component (unlikey, but I'm not a tinkerer).

Only other thing is I really have become annoyed with Ezinput and T9 keyboards, they are slow and laggy and don't give me the vib option I like, so I'm 100% Fingerboard now days, which I don't have a problem installing after and using SIP change to make perfect, just an FYI.

I didn't know if you'd be upgrading to 21882 and if you were incorporating a few changes/updates.

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