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Old 12-17-2009, 02:18 PM
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Smile Question?? - AGPS or GPS Unlock for Stock 6.1 VX6900 Radio 3.37.78

Ok, I am a complete newbie hear so I will give you the lowdown on what I am trying to do.

From what I gather from other posts....the new VX6900's for verizon are shipping with the Official update pre-loaded on the phone.

Also, the Valhalla cab fix is no longer working with Verizon but is working with Telus?

Basically I am getting this new VX6900 tommorrow because I flashed to the Altell ROM and accidentally let customizations run. After that I tried to install NFSFAN 6.5 ROM which worked.

I then called verizon tech support because *228 did not work. The tech was able to get calls working but no data via EPTS. I am thinking that the alltel ROM screwed up everything, regardless I flash to Official Update for 6.1 and tried that but still no go for programming. So the tech is sending out the new unit.

Since I am getting a new unit this is the best time to get GPS or AGPS working for this handset. I have been all over PPCG and xda-dev on this issue. It seams that the valhalla cab fix no longer works for APGS unless you use Telus? Allot of these posts are old so I wanted some feedback from anyone who is currently able to run GPS or AGPS on the 6.1 radio 3.77.78 unit.

As far as ROM's go I don't want to flash because I am running android 1.6 donut from my SD card and it works awesome! I updated Google Maps with Navi and am trying to just get GPS locks in that manner.

Any help would be awesome!