Originally Posted by theroyalwe
I get what they are trying to do - there is no reason that someone should be making money off of their work except them.
You mean HTC's work. I'm not discounting what the they did to make this HSPL, don;t get me wrong. But in the end, it's HTC's work. These guys just tweaked some HTC software and licensed it as their own. That RUU that runs- HTC's. The actual SPL that is put on? HTC's (tweaked, but still originally written by HTC).
So if you are saying nobody shuold be making money off of their work but them, then I think you mean HTC. Nobody else has any right to charge us for some HTC software that we have technically already paid for anyway.
Asking for donations is fine. I have no problem with that. But requiring a donation, and putting all kinds of copywrite protections on a supposedly free app (that they don't even technically own anyway) is not cool.
And it's even worse when they call it "warez" if someone else does the exact same thing to them that they did to HTC.
Still waiting for them to explain to me why it's considered "warez" if someone tweaks this app and reposts it, yet it's not considered warez when they tweaked HTC's app and posted it (and even charged money for it).
And while we're at it- why is it okay for them to ignore all of the laws ont his matter and simply tell customers "don't use it if you don't like our illegal policies." There are all kinds of consumer protection laws that govern the way business is done. They have thrown all of that out the window, and simply said, "don't use it if you don't like it." OS on the one hand, they want to be treated like a real company (requiring us to pay) but on the other hand, they don't want to deliver like a real company (following the laws). You can't have it both ways...