Originally Posted by Snager
Does anyone know where to look to modify the Default Start Menu Links?
Like Windows Media Player, Calculator, Internet Explore ...... I'm trying to put the Windows Media Player link into a Folder called Multimedia ect.
Just trying to cook a cleaner Start Menu.. Thanks.
If you are just trying to move things around, you need to change either the app.dat for that EXT or change the initflashfiles.dat (Located in OEM\Touch_Pro2\0409\OEM_Lang_0409) for packages that might be in the SYS. Some packages, ie Marketplace, will have a provxml that will determine where the Start Menu Link goes.
Here is an example if you trying to move Adobe from the Start Menu:
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-File("Adobe Reader LE.lnk","\Windows\Adobe Reader LE.lnk")
to a new folder called Multimedia:
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Multimedia"):-File("Adobe Reader LE.lnk","\Windows\Adobe Reader LE.lnk")