Originally Posted by abdeviation
Does any one find the boxwave crystal clear protectors to be really easily scratched?? When I first got my TP2, i put a crystal clear on and the protector got some really fine cuts on it after about a week of use that made sliding on your finger on teh screen really annoying.
I contacted boxwave and they offered me a free replacement and asked me to mail them the used one. I was rocking my TP2, completely nude for about 10 days. Got no scratches on it whatsoever. Then my replacement crystal clear came in the mail, i put it on maybe two days ago. It's already scratched up and running my finger nail on the surface isn't smooth, it gets stuck where the fain cuts are.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? The boxwave apparently isn't scratch resistant at all!
i've been using the boxwave since i got my sprint phone like 2 months and no scratches.