Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
stock rom is tf3d not manila, sense is manila and no. why not just flash a 2.1 rom? atleast ive never seen it.
Sorry, but I gotta clarify a little bit. Both the earlier builds of TouchFlo3d and the newer versions(known as HTC Sense) contain "manila" files.
True, you cannot cross a build made with one, with the other. So stock rom is TF3D which includes manila files, HTC Sense is the newer version of TF3D and also contains manila files. They cannot be swapped from OS to OS though. I just didn't want to feed anyone improper information, as that will just confuse them more. Especially when someone gives them a manila file and they think they can't use it, because it's manila. They all are. They just have to be manila files for the right version of TF3D or HTC Sense.
Ok, I'm done now.
I just spent forever to say that same d**n thing! LOL!!!
You guys beat me to it!