Originally Posted by num5kull27
well start listing specifics so we can get you fixed up!!
first off have you flash danced the device lately?
Not even sure what that means, I have flashed about 7 roms so far though, including going back to stock a couple times for good measure.
Originally Posted by num5kull27
what rom are you on?
EmpRom 2.07, its ugly as sin but it is pretty fast
Originally Posted by num5kull27
what programs are not loading?
While I am pretty tech savvy, I have not done any registry or start up tweaks
Originally Posted by num5kull27
lags?? mine is quite fast........could be the pp setting if you didn't adjust it.
Your right, I wasnt aware of the pagepool settings, I set them to 8 and reflashed
Originally Posted by num5kull27
start bar disappears? did you install any taskbars ect.?
I think this is a function of low memory and lag, my impatience hitting buttons I think results in screens like this that take 20-30 seconds to recover from.
So, running this Emprom is pretty fast, though it is ugly...however, I got out of memory messages on anything I would do. After your page pooling modification its better, but there are still a few programs that cause that out of memory message.
What I dont understand is if 192MB of ram isnt enough, how the hell was my vogue with 64MB less and 128mhz less able to run 6.5+manila 2.0 so well???
Other than QVGA vs. VGA there should not be a difference. If its just that the ROMs arent designed for it, shouldnt someone be able to make a ROM that is? I was thinking +64MB and +128mhz, I would be living it up.
On a side note, If after a flash the phone is stick stuck on loading screen after 10min, that means it didnt take right? I have had a few ROMs get stuck on that loading screen after flashing.