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Old 12-16-2009, 06:38 PM
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Re: noob question: how to lower the # of vibrations

I would try editing the the script. I have av0pw3r there currently. To the best of my recollection, here is what each means:

a - activate the screen
w - wait
r - ring

The v and p I'm not too sure about. I would try changing the numbers first and see what happens. Sorry I couldn't have been of more help. I'll try to find the post that I originally saw this discussed on and get back to you.

Here is the information you need:
MrDSL 19th March 2007, 10:42 AM

Ok so to change the vibrate function during a phone call ring its

Phone Ringtone Script [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0]
Change the value of "Script"
Here's the code:
a - stands for display
r - repeat/replay the script again
c - sets the volume C50, c150, c100
f - means flash .. f1 flash for 1 second and f0 stands for flash continuously
p -means play ringtone
v- vibrate then incorporate te]with number to state how many seconds it will vibrate example. v3 vibrate for 3seconds or v0 for continous
w - stands for wait or pause then specify how many seconds like w3(wait for 3 seconds)

With this you should be able to get what you want. I'm going to try my hand at it now too. Good luck!

Last edited by firefurby; 12-16-2009 at 06:47 PM. Reason: Correct Legend for ring tone scripts
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