I've heard that my location and airave don't play well wogether since the airave is giving your phone gps information that may not be correct. if using airave at home, try going out of range of airave and use my location again.
other than that, no probs here on Sprint (and i am using airave--i just get a wrong location when im in range of my airave, when i go away from it, my location works fine)
Originally Posted by Urufu_Shinjiro
Has anyone been able to get My Location to work on an Alltel TP? I've only ever had that feature work ONE time, it was on an early alpha version of Psyklone ROM (.13 I think) and only the one time, I flashed to a later Psyklone that night and lost the ability to update MyLocation. I'm starting to wonder if Alltel has it blocked or something.