Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile
I agree that MS has dropped the ball, but they were originally geared towards business. It was a small group of people with a high dispensable income that could afford theses devices for personal use. Yes BB has eaten a huge marketshare of the business market, but that is because businesses like the 'simpleness' and standardness of BB, a device that is software & hardware by the same manufacturer. Our IT dept won't allow anything other than BB for our exchange server becuase there is less control on their end.
The market really exploded for personal smartphones with the iphone (another software & hardware singularity) and changed the market. I don't really think anyone expected 4 years ago that smartphones would become as common as they are now. A large portion of people I know with iphones got them because it is easier to have your ipod and phone together, I think that the market isn't as big as the numbers show because of this. Why wouldn't they lose market share? New and shiny will always draw people away and between the iphone and Android getting so much 'heat' in the media, you have to expect some people to just jump for something different, I know if I had the money, and the right network, I'd have an Android phone as well.
I think WM also suffers because of the carriers. I live in Canada and I rarely see a commercial for any WM handsets. I see tons of BB/Android/iphone spots and they show all of the things that those phones do I yell at my TV "My phone does that too!" but for some reason, the carriers never seem to want to push those devices.
Sorry if I am all over the place, too many tangents, too little brain.
If I was able to help, remember to press the Thanks button in the bottom of my post.
BRB, I gotta flash again.
ROM: DarkRoot