Originally Posted by vicko5000
i havent seen any other posts about this sort of problem so i wonder if its just me or if people are tolerating the slowdown and instability just because they NEED to be on a custom rom..
When i had my TP1 I mainly used mighty roms because of the speed stability and great battery life. Ive had my TP2 for about 3weeks and and i generally like the stock rom, but since mighty's roms have pretty much always been faster and more battery efficient than stock i decided to give it a try.
i tried the release from late November and it actually was slower than stock (especially in the first minute or so after boot) and it would often freeze.. This was with no additional software added except the neupower control panel so that i can monitor battery use.
i went back to stock..I then tried the Dec 6 Rom with hopes that it would be more stable and faster... unfortunately it has the same problem for me..
Works like a champ for me. Even this brand new Love ROM with windows 6.5.3 is faster then stock. I love it.