Dunno, if this is considered warez, mods please delete my post and accept my apologies if it is.
There are some very cool NES and SNES emulators out there, just google them. I like PocketSNES, and there is no shortage of ROMS available, I don't know if it's illegal or not to download them, I know that you can donwload ROMS for the C64 at
www.c64.com, for example. Even if it isn't legal maybe they are still up because no one cares about trying to make money on games from 20 years ago? I will say that the NES and SNES emulators are decently fun. I had to install KforTP.cab v 1.003 to get the button mappings to work on my pocketSNES emulator, but if you forget to change the settings back to the original before rebooting your phone, could need a hard reset, I did

But luckily my phone backs itself up every night
EDIT:There, I attached an SNES emulator, and the KforTouchPro cab that you need to map the keyboard buttons correctly. I would highly suggest not using KforTouchPro unless you have your phone backing up daily since if you forget to set it back to default before rebooting you may not be able to get back into your phone without doing a hard reset.