Originally Posted by kbussen
I put the Registries in but when i try and update the album art, it says it cannot connect. Anyone else have this issue?
did u try doing it by pushing update all songs from the menu?
did u restart (dumb question i know.. but still..) ?
were u connected already or no?
it should work even if u r not connected unless u don't have either Google maps or agps installed (don't remember which one of those).
i remember that for me sometimes it wouldn't go online from the weather tab or the music tab unless i had one or the other installed... like i said don't remember which one. which i could be completely wrong about the need to have them though... i'm on sprint... and if i update prl or profile it seems like 2.5 i weather tab and the music tab would have some issues connecting to update unless im already online for some reason. again... just things that happens to me sometimes.