Originally Posted by oranges311
cool so how does it work with only a few of the tabs working in landscape?
also ive asked before but i didnt get a solution. how do i get it so that when i tap a text message it goes straight in to the threaded reply window instead of the tf3d looking one?
IMO these 2.5 builds have all the functionality I need.
I did answer your post last night.
root is using a modified messaging program. As I understand it, Sense is disabled, WM messaging is re-skinned to look like Sense in certain tabs.
To get "regular" WM-hit all messages then the message you want to respond to.
Originally Posted by lockywood
Rootlinux... All I want for the holidays is
1. a way to tap "send message" under tf3d contacts and the Winmo threaded text show up.
2. a way to tap one of my favorites under tf3d (which is set to "send message") and the winmo threaded text show up.
Lookit my response above. This modified messaging is great because it functions like WM messaging but looks like Sense and it will work from Sense.
The Sense People tab will only work with Sense messaging. Normally WM can not work with the Tabs you're asking about but the mad genius who developed it, amurullz, got it to work somehow.
I could be mistaken on the exact details of the modification but I'm 99% sure on the function.
Hope that helps. If I get any clarification I'll post it.