Originally Posted by icon123
That's a good idea about the emulator, thanks.
When you press anywhere on the taskbar, then this bigger version of the taskbar appears with bigger icons that you can click on to go to various functions like battery, missed calls, etc.
you're talking about the volume/battery/signal buttons that could very well be a slide down tray right??
As long as you choose the 6.5.X, build 28XXX they'll be there. Not quite sure which manila options will break that functionality...since these darned manila files can get tricky.
I was running a manila 2.5 ROM for some time...and those cooked up painlessly...since there aren't TOO many options in the kitchen to deviate from. This morning I hurriedly cooked up a 2.1 ROM...before I rushed out the door...BIG MISTAKE. I'm "forced" to use Titanium thru out today...since now my clock is broken!