Originally Posted by RyanMayo
Question about SASHIMI. If this is cross posting and considered rude, I apologize. Let me know and I will continue my futile efforts searching Google. I currently use Sashimi simply to Auto Install a few cabs and 2 xml files ( one for email and one for owner info.) I do not know enough about Sashimi, nor can I find specific answers to the following questions:
1) Can SASHIMI completely install a CAB? For example, I install a cab for a program called Qik. Once Qik is installed, it needs to be run for the first time and set-up, just like most other programs (username, password, etc. just like Facebook.) Can this process be automated?
2) Ringtones. Can SASHIMI automatically set all of the different ringtone settings? Change ringer state to ring and vibrate and set all specific ringtones for text, email, etc.?
3) Weather/Stocks/Account Manager. Possible to automate weather setup, stock setup and Account Manager setup (facebook, youtube, and twitter)?
Some of these I am pretty sure can be done with Registry backups. Can I simply completely set up this SICK ROOT ROM the way I want it and do a full registry backup, then Restore that between flashes? SASHIMI has saved me alot of time, even with the very basic way in which I use it, but complete automation would be great. If any of the pros here know the answer, or where to find it, please let me know. Thanks in advance, guys.
@Ryan-Winmo beat me to your post but here's some info on your 1st question and I too apologize if this is crossing thread lines.
I have a checkbook register program that requires me to do the same;create accounts, enter balances, etc... I initially ran the app for the first time and filled in some dummy data and transactions. There are 2 scripts below: "BACKUP" creates a copy of the working version on my fon to SD and "RESTORE" copies the backup files during sashimi installation.
1. Create a BackUp Folder/DIR under Storage Card\My Documents
2. Create then execute following script to copy your all files under QIK folder to sd card.
SleepMessage (3, "Backup QIK","MyBackup")
Copy("\Program Files\QIK\*.*","\Storage Card\My Documents\BackUp")
3. Run QIK app from the backup you just created in SD. Was your data saved? If not, then the settings are being saved elsewhere and you'll need to find it. If yes, then continue with the next script.
1. Create and execute the script below (save anywhere for the time being as you may want to test your results before moving it to Sashimi\Auto\Script)
SleepMessage (3, "Restore QIK","MyRestore")
Copy("\Storage Card\My Documents\BackUp","\Program Files\QIK\",TRUE)
I will try to install QIK when i have a chance to get the right locations. PM me if you have questions.