OK OK OK u guys win!!! I have heard enough to make alexander bell himself flip over in his grave.
1st of all, getting a cdma phone to work on a network that it was not intended for is half the battle. The other half is with a phone like the 6800, which has alot of extra features which usually the specific carrier that sells the phone only supports on their network; ie; sprint vision/ cricket doesnt have evdo yet (which suxs but they are testing it right now and should be available soon) but with the right settings and reg hacks u can access the internet in its entirety using cricket/ cricket will tell u that they do not support the phone and that all u will get is phone and possibly texts messaging service/ well lucky for us this isnt so/
anyways not to get distracted, the bottom line is then how to make the right reg edits and apply certain hacks to get the rest of the features working which for the most part is very attainable, only the very very new phones would u usaully have to go without until it becomes hacked.
Now i didnt want to go into detail but it seems that unless i give u the exact way to setup a phone on another network u guys might not believe it can be done(cdma we r talking about)
first of all verizon can add and drop ESN's all day long, its nothing to them becuase they use computers and the esn # is a way to create an account.
They r now accepting phones that were made for another carrier (like cricket has been doing and making a killing) by picking up the unwanted business by sprint/verizon/alltell /qwest etc
im sure they run a credit check and i imagine that if u didnt pay your bill with a carrier, it might show up and then u could possibly get denied. But then again short of the phone being stolen why would verizon care. as long as they get paid right/ and they dont have to provide tech service either for that phone another plus/ and there are plenty of people who would flash your phone over for a few bucks, so y not take on other phones?
Master if u need some still getting your phone to work with verizon , just pm me k
there r some things that have to be done to keep settings from be replaced on a soft boot etc// and there are certain files that have to be installed for every carrier/not same files but required of the carrier/
and some of these custom dialpads do not give u full functionality when entering ## codes/
but gentlemen it is very possible to get your cdma phone working on another network and the newer the easier/ and what rom u have doesnt make any difference /
anyways hopefully i put a end to the feuding and guessing