Hi everybody,
really appreciate all the info on the site!!
I've been flashing my Rom for quite a while now, without any problems. Now I'm using Kubuntu on my computer so I had to try to flash from internal storage.
The problem is that it updates and the bar reaches its end but it still says "Update In Progress" and nothing happens...
I've been waiting for maybe 15 minutes after it reaches "full bar", am I to impatient? In the guide it say it should be done in a couple of minutes.
I pulled the battery out and restarted the phone and I got the message "Upgrade ROM code error Please try again". I've tried several times now but to no luck and I dont know where to go from here.
I saw that markygz got the same error however he succeded to load a new image onto his diamond. How do I do that?
If anyone have some inputs I'd be forever grateful!