Originally Posted by rootlinux
Not sure what you mean by second start graphic.
Also no one else has mentioned the wallpaper not being on all tabs.
My wallpaper is locked in manila and unless changed it should be on all tabs.
It doesn't require the bg4all to be on all tabs.
BG4all is still cooked in.
I have the same thing here. What he means is when you click on the Start Menu button, the Start Menu opens as it should, but just to the right of the Start Button, where the Lock Button
should there is another Start button.
EDIT: I just read all the pages here to get caught up and saw what Root said about the theme. Root, the 12/13 was by far the best, fastest, most stable ROM that I have ever used. 2.5 or otherwise. You are the man and the new TP ROM KING! Flashing the 12/14 version now!!!!