12-14-2009, 11:49 PM
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Re: RootRom Sense 2.5/28011 - Dec 13 2009 and NinjaRom TF3D 2.1/23506
Originally Posted by teradog
Love this ROM, does good work, but I've PM'd & requested several times his Sprint TV cab... nada
When I run his Sprint TV, help, at the bottom says Version,
but when I extract the ROM it gives me sprint TV cab 1.7.189504?
So, while I had the ROM extracted I pulled a file for you..
I'm sure he's just quite busy getting tonights ROM up.
*edit*... errr maybe not,
it won't let me attach a .mp3 file, it says invalid file... sorry
psssst! Look up one post from yours.
Last edited by iknowsquat; 12-14-2009 at 11:53 PM.