Dusk Action Screen
redd214 Action Screen
Changes I Made: as of now the wifi button starts the htc wifi router & gps button starts googlemap
****Check my posts
HERE for info on how to customize the action screen yourself
Dusk Keyboard

thanx to
spiderweb for the screen shot
WARNING!!! this keyboard cab breaks the haptic feedback on the keyboard!! perosnally i use
THIS as a temp solution until we can fix it!!!
Information about g-profile on the
Ageye website:
- Mute your device when your at home (in range of a specific cell tower) and if it's night
- Turn off the phone when you have an appointment but only from Monday to Friday
- Change the backlight when playing games but only if your device is running on battery
- and so on...
Information about g-profile on the
Ageye website:
With G-Weather you can expect a tool which uses the reliable weather data
www.wetter.com/ and has the usual nice user interface as all ageye programs
which allows you to quickly and intuitionally plan your time outdoor.
Some of the features of G-Weather:
Animated weather graphics
5 days weather forecast
Details for each day (for the morning, the noon and the evening)
Finger-friendly user interface
Small bandwith usage (less than 1 Kb per location)
Integration in
G-Alarm to see the weather of the day when you wake up
Manila TV Player
Info on
Manila TV Player from netdrg.