Originally Posted by dishe
Dude, in the dialer go to menu -> options and change keypad tones to OFF. This is a sound driver problem that makes the device wait until the tone is played and finished before processing the next digit. Until better drivers are written, this will be true of any version of WM.
Just turn it off, you don't really need it. The dialer keeps up with you just fine after that, and I'm finding the rest of my device rather snappy in general.
Oh, and this has been mentioned countless times in the forums. I can't beleive people are still giving this device a bad name... 2.17 modified roms (move on over to XDA and see what DCD has done lately with the 2.17 roms) are awesome. All the features of WM6, and it runs smoothly.
I can't go back to WM5, not since they fixed the A2DP quality issues with WM6.
Well Dishe i stand corrected, after reading your post yesterday (i had no idea where DCD had gone to) i went over to XDA and installed the his Kitchen. Wow! Best WM6 evar! There a few things here and there that aren't as quick but really an amazing rom. I'm still on my first day so its early but so far so good. It will definitely be a hard decision choosing between the two....