Re: Dusk Theme By Pegasus *~ Updated~* (12/12/09)
Well, did the uninstall of the RADIO first, then restarted phone. Tried to uninstall the Task Bar w/Cursor and I got an error it didn't uninstall if I wanted to delete the uninstall info. I restarted phone and still had Dusk task bars and the dusk cursor still on machine. I tried to remove it with SKTOOLS and restarted phone, ended up with CDMA, Signal Strength and Wait Cursor from Dusk still on phone. I cured this installing m6 Color 11c Vista and CDMA Fix and then uninstalling them. After I got my stock task bar and stock wait cursor I tried to reinstall dialer, same scenario, so I removed dialer, reinstalled the Dusk task bar & curosr back again...