Sup guys for those looking to get out of your sprint has an article on just that.. hate to divert people of ppcgeeks , but I found this could be very usefull to some.
(Taken from Dslreports article written by karl)
"Get Out Of Your Sprint Contract
Fee changes should void your contract
08:46AM Wednesday Dec 12 2007 by Karl
tags: legal · business · wireless · Sprint Broadband Direct
Yesterday we mentioned that Sprint was fiddling with some of the fees on your bill. Thanks to legal pressure from a lawsuit accusing them of misleading consumers with "unfees" -- or below the line charges dressed up as government-mandated fees. Sprint is renaming several of the fees, and it would appear that this technically constitutes a change in your contract allowing you to cancel service without an early termination fee:
Sprint's current policy as read by account services: "On Jan. 1st 2008 Sprint customers who have been affected by the fees will have their ETF waived if they wish to terminate their contract. There will be no post-dating of cancellation where the ETF will be waived as only customers affected by the new surcharges will be eligible."
So if you've been looking for a way to ditch Sprint without penalty -- you just got one."