Originally Posted by ou2mame
i had .230 installed, then i installed the first juicy, and then i reinstalled the .230 and tried to install the new one but it won't... i keep getting that error. i can install the 2nd, but not the latest.
What I would do is:
A. delete the leak .230 from my computer/control panel
B. Delete any hybrid files still sitting in the shared folder/loader files
C. Restart my computer
D. Install the official 4.7 OS to computer
E. Reinstall/downgrade my device back to 4.7 OS
F. Uninstall 4.7 OS from comp/control panel
G. Reinstall leak .230 back to my computer
H. Restart computer
I. Copy and paste Juicy's files into .230 shared folder/loader files
The downgrade then upgrade process always worked for me...