Originally Posted by eore227
Hey guys so I got a google voice invite and had some questions for it. Now do you guys use your same number or use a new number. Are there disadvantages and advantages to one or the other????
Here are some thoughts:
1. It might be wise to give your google voice number out to particular categories of people. This way, if you set your GV Account to "replace" the caller ID data of calls forwarded to your mobile phone, you'll have an idea of what type of call is coming in.
So, you might give your GV# out only to select friends who you talk to a lot. Or, you might give your GV# out only to potential business folks.
2. In case you don't know (some might not know this), you can add your GV# to your calling circle. So, you would set your GV Account to replace the caller ID data for calls forwarded to your mobile. This way, you will get unlimited minutes for people calling you.
3. At one point (maybe still), your GV Account is set up by default to require callers to "speak" their name before the call is connected. If you want a more seamless experience for callers, you can turn this off.