Change log- Ver. 1.2.2 (The next release)
- Upgrade to WM6.5 Build 21889 CE OS 5.2.3822 (January 8, 2010) COM2
- The italian 0410 version is now available for download
- Hero Clock stucks if weather autoupdate is set to ON fixed
- VOIP/VOIPOS core OS packages are back in any versions
- General optimisations
- and more...
- Ver. 1.2.1 (Current release)
- Upgrade to WM6.5 Build 21887 CE OS 5.2.3820 (December 16, 2009) COM2
- UC Customization added (just place your files (cabs, xml, reg, mscr) files in the directory Cabs on your SDCard)
- Long Press End Key issue fixed
- Weather update works also through ActiveSync or USB_PC now
- SMS WakeUp Event fixed
- Typo mistake: CHeroCLock <--> CHeroClock fixed. Now you can disable it
- "Internet Sharing" is no longer removed from any versions
- Now in the Ultra Lite & Clean version is only present the standard Home from Microsoft WM6.5
- Games removed from Standard ROM. I'll provide a separate Game version
- Some minor imperfections have been solved
- New RadioButton, CheckBox, ComboBox and Button in WM6.5.3 style
- Some minor cosmetics and GFX adjustments have been added
- Ver. 1.2
- Switch to the official WM6.5 Build 21884 CE OS 5.2.3818 (December 3, 2009) COM2
- Full HTC Mega final OEM Packages integration
- Some new HTC Leo OEM Packages integration: Power, Date and Time Picker (thanks D_Train)
- Bluetooth now works properly
- HTC Album can play video correctly now
- All issues related to email have been solved
- ROM optimized for performance. Anyway, after 1st boot the Jade has more then 55% free memory
- New Hero Clock graphics layout (now more similar to the HTC ones)
- New weather autoupdate function, thru Data Connections or Wi-Fi only
- Contacts Manager Selector: you can choose between iContact or MS Outlook (Start->Configurations->Contacts Manager)
- GPS Mod Driver - Working Lag Fix, GeoCaching Fix (read more here)
- New menu structure & layout
- New menu icons
- New SpaceJade theme (Blue Mega Style)
- Some minor cosmetics
- Software in bundle add-on
- Facebook
- Marathon
- Skype
- GPS Weather Radar (also integrated in Hero Clock)
- Rotate Screen
- Soft Reset
- Some Games
- Ver. 1.1
- All the HTC Mega Enhancement
- More HTC Mega OEM Packages integration
- EzInput 2.1 fully working now
- Registry KEY Tweak
- Memory optimization
- Software in bundle add-on
- HTC Mobile Wi-Fi Router
- HTC MP3 Trimmer
- cleanRAM
- Ver. 1.0 (Initial release)
Download link (
RAR/Zip password: spacejam@XDA )
WARNING, you're going to format all of your data on your phone. Flashing unofficial ROMs will invalidate your warranty and you can make your device unusable. Do it at your own responsability.
HotFixes & Add-ons- [Mirror] - Enable weather update also through ActiveSync or USB_PC (ONLY for the 1.2 version. Must be installed on device)
Useful Links
For Italian speaking people only
Ciao a tutti,
purtroppo per la versione italiana di questa ROM temo dobbiate attendere qualche settimana, molti impegni di lavoro mi impediscono di dedicare il tempo necessario a questo progetto e rendere stabile e completa la versione Italiana partendo da quella finale in Inglese richiede ancora molto lavoro.
Mi scuso quindi per l'inconveniente e vi invito a provare ad utilizzare temporaneamente la versione WWE e a tornare a visitare queste pagine nelle prossime settimane.
A presto.
[Aggiornamento 23/12/09]
Utilizzerò il periodo festivo per terminare la ROM in versione Italiana. Abbiate quindi pazienza fino ai primi giorni del nuovo anno.