Screenshots (from WWE-0409 version)
Technical Specifications
- SYS/XIP: WM6.5 Pro (21887) - CE OS 5.2.3820 LANG 0409/0410 DPI 96 QVGA RESH 240 RESV 320 (December 16, 2009) COM2
- PagePool: 12 Mb.
- NetCF 3.7
- Full integration of all the official OEM Packages from HTC Mega
- Some integration from HTC Leo OEM Packages
- EzInput 2.1 100% working: settings, vibrate, input methods, all XT9 languages
- 9-Buttons HTC CommManager
- No TouchFlo 2D (aka Manila 2D) interface (And it'll never have !! So please, don't ask me for a Manila 2D version. You can find so many great Manila ROMs @ XDA)
- CHome aka Titanium GUI with these pulgins: HeroClock, ATContacts, Comm Manager, CSettings, Notification
- Worldwide weather forecast based on
- Mortscript 4.3b11
- Some HTC OEM Packages from Jade WWE/ITA Rom 2.32.408.1 Build 20771
The CHome Graphical User Interface
In this Jade ROM I decided to use CHome aka Titanium WM6.5 native GUI instead of HTC TouchFlo 2D "Manila 2D".
To implement the main functions directly from the Home I also used 5 plugins found @ XDA written by other great guys...
I just applied some bug-fixes & new implementations, some graphical layout adjustments and finally cooked them into the ROM.
Please, for more information and questions refer to the original thread as follow: