[help!] i keep getting the same text message
Hey guys~~ hopefully someone can help me with this ordeal.
WHAT HAPPENED: my cousin sent me a picture text message. it was taking too long to dload, so I did a soft reset (hold power button for 5 secs, and powered off and back on)
PROBLEM:Ever since i did that soft reset, which was like 2-3 days ago, I have been getting a text message from him. It is the same message and i get maybe one in every 2-3 hours or so.
what's going on? I went to the sprint store and they cleaned out my messages from explorer > windows > messages. We haven't done a hard reset yet because I want to save my contacts and everything...
what should i do?
ALSO: I get the sprint network #777 message once in awhile...it's pretty annoying..