Originally Posted by Wizzard
Disregard the critic! If he doesn't like it let him go elsewhere!
Uploading now. SYS 28011, will update first post with updated progs. This is a newer build of Sense 2.1 than in previous ROM as well. There is only one issue with this ROM that I have noticed tonight, which is on the People Tab, the All People SoftKey is broken and will cause TF to reset, just hit the start button and back out to instant duct tape fix it, permanent solution is coming, just use contacts in accessories or from the phone softkey on the home tab for now, adding favorites still works on people tab though, just the softkey is broke. Program tab is back in and fixed now as well as cdma settings, and other missing menu settings. So besides that one softkey issue, everything seems to be in order.
Also, animated weather is included again on the home tab, but remember to go to the HTC Settings tab and select wallpaper and then yes for default to enable it on the home tab. Will be finished uploading within the hour and I will update post 2 accordingly.
Also please soft reset after first boot. I usually customize tabs, update weather, activate animated weather, and then soft reset.