Originally Posted by sbl
I do the "mms dance" that is mentioned in the NRG thread and use the files from there as well. Install the removal cab, soft reset, install the JD Arcsoft cab, soft reset. After that I go in and edit the server under "MMS Options". It has the Sprint server in it, so I have to add the Alltel one and set it as the default. I did a quick search for USCC settings and found this:
"gateway is blank
port is 80
Server Address is http://mmsc1.USCC.net/mmsc/MMS
I believe"
You might need to do a little searching if those values aren't correct. I found mine here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=19886
Those values look correct. You can use mmsc1 or mmsc2. They should both work, but some people say they get better results with one over the other. I personally never noticed a difference, and am using 2 right now in mine. Also, some people say that the USCC and MMS parts NEED to be in caps, I have err'd on the side of caution and always put them that way instead of trying and having to replace it later...