Originally Posted by rileyd5
Hey Orangekid, Sprint has two android devices. the Hero and Samsung Moment. I was over there yesterday taking a hard look at both of them. I like the Hero but was surprised at the screen. Resolution is a step down, however, the Moment has great resolution and a 800mhz processor. problem is the hero ui is more complete. the moment is running the base android platform. I think overall the moment has more potential than the Hero, but nobody knows since its not really discussed that much. All in all, I am not going to use an upgrade on either at this time.
Is the UI really that much better on the Hero? My niece wants an Android phone, but she wants a keyboard, damn texting teens. I don't like spending money on phones when I know there's a better one out there (on my network, i.e. 8330 vs 9630)