Originally Posted by shaggylive
your right, I'm referring to PocketPc's. I have been aware of this difference developing for some time (PocketPc w/phone vs. phone that does 'everything'.)
as far as usability and speed go, that's completely subjective. consumers wants are different than enterprise needs, and the consumer market only recently started demanding more. before that it was purely a commercial driven device.
this is why the shift from winmo to m$phone. there will still be specialized devices like I linked before, but they will now be under the "embedded" category. (i think)
I understand and respect your point of view. I just feel that speaking on the potential or power of windows is getting old. Its hard to support microsoft when they keep feeding us the half-assed attempts of revamping their mobile os. Now its been said that windows mobile/phone 7 will be pushed back to Q4 of next year. On top of that, a european release is supposed to be first (i think?). Even still, that more than likely means we wont start seeing phones being shipped here with the new os until early 2011. Im aware that there will be some leaks of the os that we all will be running well before that time but come on, we have to wait at least another year for its official release? This is ludacris, please tell me that we arent going to accept this with no complaints what so ever.