Originally Posted by athlet1c
Shut up tactics by Sprint and HTC via Twitter. Do not fall for it as its corp departments are putting these up to slow the curve of you asking on social media outlets
Happy to announce Android 2.0 is coming to Sprint’s Hero & Moment. Date TBD, but roughly 1H 2010. – Sprint via twitter
Did you know your Sprint Hero will be getting Eclair early next year? Well…now you do! Happy Friday ladies and gents. – HTC via twitter
***Most of the Recent Applications from Devs involce the 1.6 and up leaving Hero users in the back wind.... ITs sad we are going into the new Millinuim with a prehistoric OS. if you dont believe me try installing some latest Apps like Google Goggles or Talk To me and see what you get
Yeah thats really weak! I was wondering why I couldn't find Google Goggles in the market place.... Booo Sprint and HTC! It sucks that we're getting played like this, no way should a damn G1 have newer OS than my Hero thats just a$$ backwards!
Edit: Just tweeted: @Sprint @HTC Update coming in 2010? I hope that's January 1! Cant understand why the G1 has a newer OS version than the Hero... #sprintfail
I dont want to let up on them just cuz they gave that vague response! lol