Originally Posted by mremy007
Greetings to all. Quick question; can someone tell me what the 21884 is vs 28011? I am at a crossroad and have a Touch Pro (Sprint). I love the 2.5 but have been using the reliable 2.1 versions mostly. 2.5 versions are more experimental for me at this point. NRG really rocks and I am sure that I speak for most of us here in this community that we appreciate his continued effforts at perfecting his roms (I know that I check that Hotfile.com site twice a day at least for updated roms!!!).
Thank you one and all for your assistance.
Biggest noticable diiference is the Start menu button/taskbar. 21884 is old style top taskbar with Start menu icon in top L corner. This is considered a more stable build more closely mocking MS most released styles. 28011 is the cutting edge new MS beta build released. Taskbar is thinner at top and bottom bar is larger to accomodate for more finger friendly usgae. Start menu icon is now in bottom L corner. There are more subtle diffs but these are the main things anyone notices. 28011 is more finger friendly.