Originally Posted by chadteck
It's an easy fix to install Opera 10, but I was wondering this too. At some point the included Opera version was reverted from 10 to 9, was this accidental or is there a reason behind it?
Not sure why it is gone, BUT you can just install the cab version of Opera 10and it will overide the default Opera. I for one wasn't crazy over opera10, I used it but it has issues, IMO. Turbo my arse. Opera10 is far slower on my device than 9.7. When it was cooked in I had to reinstall it via cab to get the bottom bar in Opera10 to have the tools, back and etc buttons. If I didn't it would not bring up that bar and I didn't have those functions. Try the cab. I am sure one is attached to thread or you can go to Opera.com and get the lateset.
Originally Posted by popasmurfn25
where is the manilla fix for landscarpe 2.5 while in the htc messageing texting id like to go into landscape mode.
Landscape is golden in SMS brother. Just go to msg tab, click all messages, once at that screen throw er on the side yank your KB out and she is now LS mode in SMS OR if you are using HTC messaging and composing a text in portrait, turn er' pull out the KB and she will go into landscape. FULL landscape accomodation is not possible currently. several people are working on it and there are some workarounds. This software comes from the Leo which does not have a hardware KB so HTC did not make it landscape friendly other than the Music and pics tab. It is now up to someone in the PPCGEEK or XDA community to try to make things work in landscape. Do a goog and you will find a few fellers trying to make LS work, Rotostrain being one of them. Interesting stuff....