Originally Posted by tommy_riley
I had a PPC 6700 a few years ago for a time, but WinMo was just WAY too buggy and unreliable for me to keep the phone - I cannot miss calls because the OS is all funked up and having to reset a phone every day to ensure stability is unacceptable for me. So I went back to "regular" non-smart or Operating System phones for a few years. About 8 months ago I jumped in and bought an HTC Touch Pro, as I thought the WinMO OS phones HAD to have come a ways since my last experience. It was much better - faster, sleeker with the TouchFlow3d, and the phone looked NICE. However, the keyboard hardware problems, battery life, and occassional instability (especially if you install anything other than stock programs/ROM) are starting to really bug me again.
I am considering going with a Blackberry 9630 Tour - however I am also looking at the HTC Hero - it has my attention. I am skeptical of the virtual keyboard (like HW keyboards, but I also like them to WORK (bad HTC Touch Pro!)), speptical of another buggy OS that will cause me to miss calls, or have to reinstall crap every few days because the phone has become to unstable. And the biggest thing is that no phone I have had, has had a good browser experience yet (HTC touch pro - web pages are too big, too small, zoom doesn't work right, etc. BlackBerry 8830 (my work phone) has problems loading just about any webpage that has scripting on it...just loads and loads and loads)...webbrowsing is usually dog slow for me as well...
Anyway...I'm so on the fence on going with a BB 9630 Tour, or an HTC Hero. I was almost set to go with the 9630 Tour until I saw this thread and the people who have gone from HTC Touch Pro to HTC Hero....I really like TouchFlow3d and it looks like HTC Hero has it's own great version of something similiar....so on the fence...
Should I go with a BB for the stability and additional battery life, or will I be happy with the large screen, android functionality, and won't be too bothered with the battery life on the Hero, not to mention no HW keyboard, or the possibility of missing calls due to buggy os....
Let me hear more reviews, and more comparisions between the HTC Touch Pro and HTC Hero - if the Hero is that much better experience then the Touch Pro, and it is decently stable, I may just go that route.
Sorry, I know my message is slightly off topic, but this is me asking for help on whether to lay down a few hundred bucks on something that I will just want to ditch in 6 months possibly...