How do i set weather panel to open when i press the weather button? Also the lock i changed the string to \Program Files\s2us\s2u2.exe and i get an error "cannot be opened". Also i change my file explorer to string to \Program Files\Resco Explorer\Explorer.exe and nothing happens. And the SMS button takes me to the messaging page just like the mail button. Also how do i change the browser to opera? I'm totally new to this but i thought i was changing the right things but obviosuly not.Any help would be great thanks.
Edit i got the lock to work with those settings had to do a soft reset.But the others are still a nogo.
When you say Weather Panel, is that a program or are you talking about the tab in the HTC Home Plugin?
All button paths have to be changed from the registry until the Configure tool comes out.
HKLM>Software>HTC>Biotouch>CustAPLauncher>App0-App11 to change button settings on the 4th side.
HKLM>Software>HTC>Biotouch>APLauncher>App0-App11 to change button settings on the 3rd side.
The value "Path" is the Program path. Look for the exe in File Explorer and write down exactly where it is. Eveything including spaces and Capital letters has to be exact for the Path to be correct.
As far as the SMS button, Create a new String Value in APLauncher>App10 named Param
Set the value of Param to be -service "SMS"
It will then point to the SMS mailbox.